Invitation to a webinar on the VAT Return (VAT201)

14 September 2022 – SARS will host a webinar on Thursday 22 September 2022. As an important Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise stakeholder, you are invited to join us, and you may extend this invitation to other interested parties.

The details of the event are as follows:

Theme:  Completion of VAT Return (VAT 201) for SMMEs
Date: Thursday, 22 September 2022
Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Platforms: YouTube –

If you have questions about VAT, please send an email to

When taxpayers have clarity and certainty about their tax obligations, they will be in a better position to comply with their tax obligations.

The following topics will be covered:

·        How to complete the VAT 201?

·        Which supplies/services are taxable?

·        What are the requirements of the Tax Invoice?

·        What is the output tax?

·        What is the input Tax?

·        How do I calculate the interest and penalties?

·        How do I understand my statement of account?

·        What are the common Auding findings?

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